Here's a list of the links I could find.  If you know of one, or have one, that I don't have listed here, let me know and I'll be glad to link to it.


My EBAY Auctions - This is the page that lists all the auctions I am currently running on EBAY.

BRAMA - Cool pysanky site, and they also have other Ukrainian stuff on their site, so check it out!!

SURMA - Supplier!   Drop by in you're in Manhattan.  If not, drop by their page anyways, because they have mail order.

Unique Egg Art - This page has tons of egg-related things!  Besides pysanky, you'll find other eggs like etched eggs and carved eggs.  A really pretty page.

The Ukrainian Book Store - pysanky supplies, as well as other pysanky-related things, such as puzzles and posters.  Online ordering.

All Things Ukrainian - This site has a lot of genuine articles from the Ukraine.  Everything from clothing and pysanky, to artwork. - This is the web home of THE Egg Lady, Jane Pollak.  She's been a pioneer of American Pysanky, using quilt designs, and she's written a few wonderful Pysanky books. - A page about Lithuanian Easter Eggs.  They use different techniques to make eggs, which are in the end very beautiful.

Baba's Beeswax - A Canadian-based company, that will ship elsewhere too I believe.  They have a wide range of supplies, and have introduced a variety of new dye colors.


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Page design Jennifer Klem Copyright 1999, 2000.  Egg designs , either my own, or the ones I've copied from books, can be reproduced for your own enjoyment, but cannot be reproduced for profit.