Well, welcome to my new site, www.pysanky.freeservers.com . I wanted the pysanky to have their own site. This site is in its beginning stages, but I wanted to put it up anyways. I'll have it done eventually. ;)
This page last updated April 27, 2001
What I've updated - Well, first, let me warn you that sometimes your browser won't load the images on this page (not to mention my personal site, and my husband's site, both on freeservers also). I don't know why, and sometimes they do load. I have reason to believe it's the version of IE that I'm now using; the problems seem to have started when it was installed. So, if you're using IE version 5.50, be forwarned, it seems to have an issue with freeservers.
Now, to the good stuff. I've started auctioning on EBAY. Drop by and check out my auctions (both egg and otherwise). Or, if you've arrived at this page through one of my auctions, then wecome! Have a look around. I'm also adding to the "How-To" section. I'm planning on putting a lot on this section, so it may take me a little while to get it all in there. Check back often to see what progress I'm making.
Pysanky (pie-san-key) are also known as Ukrainian Easter Eggs. They are a Ukrainian tradition dating back hundreds of years. I got into it early 1999, and I've just gone nuts since then!! I got a little starter kit from a lady in Moncton, and now I buy my supplies from SURMA, a Ukrainian store on seventh street in Manhattan, and I do mean Ukrainian! Its been open since 1918, and they have so much Russian stuff there! Clothes, pysanky supplies, books, and even nesting dolls.
So anyway, I'm hooked on making pysanky, and I take pics of them whenever I can get my hands on a digital camera. On the following pages, I have a variety of some of my favorite pysanky that I've done since I started. Feel free to email me with any questions, or if you would like to buy one of my pysanky.
My Traditional Pysanky
- done in the traditional Ukrainian colors and symbols.
My Other Pysanky
- Eggs that aren't quite traditional! There's puzzles, scribbles,
and lotsa funky colors!!!!!!
Pysanky How-To
- You too can learn to make pysanky
Pysanky Links
- Suppliers, other pages, etcetcetc
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to visit this site since April 3, 2001
Feel free to email me with any questions, comments, etc. Or if you're interested in one of my eggs. I'll do custom orders, at a reasonable price.
Page design, Pysanky Title Image Jennifer Klem Copyright 1999. Egg designs , either my own, or the ones I've copied from books, can be reproduced for your own enjoyment, but cannot be reproduced for profit.